Paramedics carried a Lowell House senior out of the house in a stretcher shortly after 5 p.m. yesterday for a drug overdose, police sources said.
She was taken to Cambridge Hospital, where she was in "stable condition' last night, according to hospital personnel.
Two ambulances and two police cars arrived in front of the house, responding to what Harvard Police Sgt. John Miller called a 'medical emergency"
Police on the scene declined comment on the nature of the emergency, saying only that it was a " personal thing." After spending roughly 10 to 15 minutes ion aLowell entryway, the five paramedics and twopolice officers emerged carrying the student. She was taken directly to the hospital, whereshe remained under observation for over an hour. Hospital personnel said she was beingre-evaluated at roughly 6:30 p.m. last night. The student appeared to be conscious when shewas wheeled out of her Lowell House dormitory. Shewas holding on to her purse and her eyes wereopen
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