
Junior Arrested Outside Crimson Sports Grille

A Harvard junior was arrested Saturday night after she allegedly argued with a Cambridge police officer who attempted to stop her and a friend from sneaking into the Crimson Sports Grille, police said yesterday.

Leslie N. Lewis '95 of Winthrop House was charged with disorderly person and assault and battery on a police officer, Lt. Detective Frank Pasquarello said.

Lewis, who spent time in a jail cell, posted $25 bail that night. Her case was dismissed yesterday morning at Cambridge Third District Court.

Lewis was called repeatedly and could not be reached for comment, but witnesses interviewed last night described what happened.

Lewis and a friend, Deborah E. Lipson '95, were waiting on line at the bar when they decided to try to sneak in through a side door, a first-year witness said.


A detail officer saw the two students and grabbed the second one, Lewis. According to Lewis' roomate, Poppy Trapali '95, Lewis then said to the police officer, "Let go of me, and what's your badge number?"

Trapali, who said Lewis told her the story, said that the officer grabbed both of Lewis' arms behind her back, handcuffed her and placed her into the police car.

Witnesses at the Grille said that a bouncer named Dave was responsible for filling out the police report, and argued with the police officer about the wording of the statement.

Managers at the Grille interviewed yesterday said they had not heard of the incident and did not know who was working the night of the alleged arrest.

Trapali said Lewis was charged with verbal assault and battery and disorderly person.

Police officials put Lewis into a small cell, and released her later that night after she posted $25 bail. Lewis' friends picked her up from the station, Trapali said.

The case was dismissed yesterday morning, and all that Lewis had to say, according to Trapali was, "Thank you, your Honor."

Lewis is the daughter of the late Reginald F. Lewis, a philanthropist who owned TLC Beatrice Foods and was the first Black alumnus to have a Harvard building named after him.
