
Intramural Contests Between Currier, Cabot End With Controversy

Currier House and Cabot House will share this year's intramural squash championship, but not everyone is happy with the arrangement.

Cabot, with a record of eight wins and one loss, defeated Currier (6-3) for the regular season championship. But Currier rebounded in the playoffs to win.

Currier students initially thought they had won the championship for themselves. But intramural rules call for a co-championship in such situations.

Currier House squash team member Shivashish Chatterjee '95 insisted Currier House did not know about the rule.

The house only accepted their co-championship status and T-shirts that go with them after protests and what he called "a big fuss."


'Feel We're Champs'

Director of Intramurals John E. Wentzell said the coveted house championship T-shirts go both to the team that wins the playoffs and the one that wins the regular season title.

That may be true, but it hasn't stopped the Currier team that won the playoffs from feeling snubbed.

"We feel we're champs because we won the playoffs," said Steve Campagna-Pinto, assistant senior tutor in Currier and the squash team captain. "But the whole thing is just fun rivalry."
