

Celebrate Unity Over Difference


In response to two letters of March 5 ("Assimilation is Frightening" and "Preserve Multiculturalism"):

"Celebrate with me...and learn more about my African-Americaness," Uh, no.

"By making the dangerous argument that 'we are not Americans with a hyphen; rather, we are all Americans." How can this possibly be dangerous to anyone with less than fascist intent?

In its diatribe, the AAA Steering Committee reveals itself to be but a small ideological step removed from the Ku Klux Klan; the Invisible Empire has long preached "a multiperspective" and "multicultural society with unique historical determinations and distinctions."

The KKK has only taken the next small step, in assuming that its particular perspective is in some way superior. There will always be those, in some bizarre twist of fascist logic, who cling to a society delineated and determined by one's race and heritage.


The rest of us can still dream of the day when judgement truly is based on character, not race. Despite many diverse pasts, we must recognize that we have one present, and one future.

Celebrate with me, and those who still cherish justice, freedom, and equality, the unity that transcends petty difference.

Cast out the hyphen; recognize an imperfect world...and let us strive, as Americans together, as members only of the human race, towards the Promised Land that is our potential. Jeremy R. Jenkins '97
