
First Seniors Turn in Theses

History and Literature Concentrators Plan Relaxed Spring

Approximately 80 seniors are likely bleary-eyed, exhausted and gloating.

Today the senior History and Literature concentrators become the first members of the class of 1994 to turn in their theses and pick up the champagne flutes.

Because after the 5 p.m. deadline, this lucky few is forever free from musty libraries, annoying advisors and pre-deadline all-nighters.

And make no mistake: they won't miss it.

"I am very happy that the deadline is early," Elizabeth P. Gaither '94 says. "Otherwise I would have just dragged it on."


Alexa Kemeny '94, who wrote her thesis on L. M. Montgomery's public writings, says she also appreciated the early deadline.

"It is absolutely wonderful," Kemeny says. "I am looking forward to a relaxed spring."

And John G. Palfrey '94, whose thesis is "more or less done with," says he doesn't mind the early deadline.

"I'll have to work hard now, but I will have more free time afterwards," he says.

The night before the happy day was no picnic, however.

In fact, a number of seniors called for this story refused comment due to lack of time and surplus of stress.

An employee at Kinko's Copy Center says the Dunster Street branch alone handled over 30 theses yesterday.

"That is about 30 percent more than usual," he says.

And the new veterans' advice to future thesis-writers?

Relax and follow the food, Kemany says.
