
U.C. Approves $10 Hike In Student Term-Bill Fees

Less Than One-Fifth of Polled Students Support Increased Council Funding

Less than one-fifth of the student body supports the Undergraduates Council proposal passed last night to raise students' term-bill fee from $20 to $30, according to a Crimson poll conducted this weekend.

In a phone poll of 361 people, just 18.6 percent said they support the measure, while a majority of 56.2 percent oppose it. The rest said they were uncertain.

The poll's margin of error is plus or minus five percent.

The poll also indicates that even relatively informed students do not support the rate hike.

Because 70 percent of the new money generated by the term-bill hike will be earmarked for student affairs and activities such as concerts. The Crimson asked students to name two such events sponsored by the council this year.


Of the 45.7 percent who were able to name two events, just 25.3 percent support the term-bill hike, while 44.5 percent oppose it.

The margin of error for that survey is plus minus eight percent.

Chole Zubieta '95 was one student who identified two council event but said she doesn't support an increased term-bill fee.

"As it is, [the council] is a bureaucratic nightmare," Zubieta said.

"I don't feel they do that great a job," saidZubieta, who expressed particular disappointmentwith last month's Machinery Hall concert. "Idon't want to pay more money to see concertsfail."

Council President Carey W. Gabay '94 told TheCrimson last week that frequent small concertsmight be a feature of an expanded council budget.

Jennifer L. Schuberth '96 was another studentwho said she didn't see any purpose to theincreased funding.

"From what I've read," Schuberth said, "they'reasking for a very larger amount of money anddon't really have anything planned for it."

"At every other school, [the studentgovernment] sponsors events." Schuberth added. "Ican't tell you any thing the U.C. has done."

In a brief interview yesterday, Gabay said hewasn't surprised by the poll's results.

"It sounds about right," Gabay said afterreviewing the numbers.

"We're sort of stuck in a Catch 22," he said."People want to see we're doing more beforeraising the term bull, but we need the increase inorder to do more."

Gabay also criticized the ultimatelyunsuccessful motion--proposed during last night'smeeting--to put the term bill questions to studentreferendum (see accompanying article).

"It's like the citizenry voting on NAFTA,"Gabay said. "You let the people involved in it,who know the issues, vote on it.
