
Evening With Champs Investigation Still Open.

D.A. Looks Into Jimmy Fund Scandal

The district attorney's investigation into last year's Evening With Champions scandal will probably continue for another four to six weeks, Jill Reilly, a spokesperson for the district attorney's office said yesterday.

Two recent graduates, Charles K. Lee '93 and David G. Sword '93, are the focus of an investigation into the disappearance of $160,000 from Eliot House's Evening With Champions skating fundraiser.

As co-chairs, Lee and Sword were supposed to deliver about $160,000 to the jimmy Fund, a local cancer research organization. But 1993 organizers Kelly L. Morrison `94 and Jonathan F. Kolodner `94 found that the proceeds from the 1992 event were missing.

The Middlesex district attorney's office launched an investigation shortly thereafter to discover the whereabouts of the funds.

Reilly cited case overload and the complexity of financial investigations as factors prolonging this case. She said investigators must complete their review of all bank records, receipts and account information before presenting their case to a grand jury.


"Economic crime cases...generally take a few months," Reilly said. "They're not like a typical case where something jumps out at you."

Anne H. Taylor, Harvard's legal representative in the case, speculated that the investigation is proceeding slowly because the attorney originally handling the case for the D.A.'s office may have switched positions.

"We're just waiting for something to happen,"said Taylor. Taylor said she is unaware of thestatus of the district attorney's investigation.

Kolodner said last fall's event was notovershadowed by the 1992 debacle. "With thechanges that we've made, it worked out well," hesaid.

Morrison and Kolodner created new oversightstructures to prevent further problems. LastFebruary, they presented a $125,000 check to theJimmy Fund.

Last fall's show was very successful in lightof everything," Morrison said
