We dissent from this editorial because we believe it cannot be fairly reported as an editorial and should be written as a news story. It is true that many editorial columnists break news on the op/ed page, but generally that is because only that columnist has access to certain sources. This was not the case with today's staff editorial.
It is dangerous to run this story on page two for two reasons: first, because people look for news on the front page and second, because people who have strong opinions about an issue cannot report objectively all the facts of a story.
In addition, it is unfair to argue an opinion without letting Graham defend himself from accusations made by unknown sources.
It is fine to run a news story about this issue without getting comment from Graham because the newswriter is supposedly objective. But the editorial writer is making an argument, and running this editorial without waiting for Graham to comment unfairly supports the argument.
Run the news story, then wait for Graham to return before offering an opinion on it.
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