

A story on page C-2 of yesterday's paper misspelled the name of Assistant Professor of Computer Science Margo I. Seltzer '83. In addition, her class, CS50, originally met in Science Center D, not in E, as reported. Contrary to the story, 252 students took the class.

A story on page B-4 of yesterday's issue was in error. Contrary to the article, Angela Gonzales, race relations tutor in Kirkland House, believes that the pilot program launched to train students as mediators will personally benefit the students involved.

The graphic on page C-7 of yesterday's issue failed to credit the designer. The graphic was prepared by David A. Sobel '97.

A story on page A-1 of yesterday's paper needs further clarification. They Might Be Giants, an alternative band, has been signed to a contract to play at Harvard on April 28. However, the Undergraduate Council will not officially sign the contract unless it votes to approve the concert on February 13.

A story on page A-12 of yesterday's issue was in error. Darren M. Kilfara '96 stated that the size of a Crimson page is 14 by 21 inches. The correct size is 13 by 21 inches.
