


A summary of new, what's news, and what's just darn funny.


The backlash is under way. After two academic years of ascendant Powerbook hegemony this grey electronic fashion accessory has provoked some stiff opposition.

Much like its technological predecessor the automobile he Power book with its Beeps and doings elecited nothing but oohs and aahs while it was new and rare.

But as Apple's stock soared, once-faint key-clicks crescendoed into a deafening tumult in libraries into a deafening tumult in libraries and classes. And the odd set of typed notes mushroomed to 900 megabytes of European Intellectual History transcriptions collected by eager Donald Fleming disciples.

Once objects of unmitigated envy laptop users are scorned their stooped shoulders and LED- tinted scowls deemed opprobrious.


A movement is afoot to restrict Powerbook use. Some classes have set up segregated Powerbook sections. So far no Combination Rosa Parks/Steve Wozniak has refused to go to the back of the lecture hall.

Lamont Library has set up restricted areas for Powerbook use. Right on, some say! maybe Lamont can isolate the use of light bulbs to the lower floors. The buzz of those fluorescents irritates some people, who might prefer to use candles and sunlight. And why not do away with printed books where possible?

That Gutenberg contraption has done nothing but cause eyestrain. Why not banish all these from Lamont entirely-and rechristen it: Luddite Library.


When it comes to bag searching, Lamont Library big-wigs are anything but Luddites. Patrons must pass through electronic surveillance and then a hand search making leaving the undergraduate library only slightly more convenient than boarding and El Al flight while carrying a copy of the Koran.

Like at the airport this can often lead to substantial lines. Lamont officials have put up signs warning of delays and encouraging use of an alternate exit. The lines persist. Harvard may boast of its vast library holdings, but no one can deny that bibliophiles are queuing up to get out, not to get in.

The queue stretched so far back one day last week that two Russian babushkas could be spotted alongside thee stream of section refugees reasoning that some valuable commodity must be distributed at the end. Rumor has it that if you hand the checker five kopecks he'll stick a loaf of bread in your "A Wet Book Is Not A Dead Duck" big.

Patrons at the back of the line can stamp their feet and fidget all they want, but that won't faze the St.-Peter-on-duty. Leaving Lamont for the yard straight is the gate and narrow is the way.


The numbers are in: crime is up in Cambridge. We at Dartboard might be upset, if we already didn't have to worry about the sloppy streets awful wealth and invasion of vagrants
