It is an understatement to say that I found David B. Lat's editorial, "Pro-Choice: Abortion to Go?"(Feb. 18, 1994), rather amusing, However, after my initial round of chuckles, I found myself more amazed than anything at the uninformed and childish tone of the entire piece.
Now, I can easily accept his gleeful tone when he is writing about the typing error he found in the Student for Choice newsletter.
But for Mr. Lat to then spend five inches of copy on what he imagines the students for Choice elections to have been like is, to be honest, rather idiotic, considering he did not attend the election nor, for that matter, does he have any idea as who I am or what my personality is like.
What his writing does demonstrate is his total lack of commitment to having an intelligent discussion on abortion.
Mr. Lat disagrees with me on the issues of reproductive freedom. Fine. he has every right to his opinion (I think it's wrong, but you probably knew that already).
However, if he would like to express his views and argue against what he calls the pro-choice "public relations wizardry," he should do so in a way that is structured, coherent and factual.
For Mr. Lat to insist that Randall Terry, Joseph Scheidler, Operation Rescue and the Pro-life Action League are only "a few members of the pro-life movement" is to down-play completely the thousands of women they have harassed (not to mention the substantial amount of hours they have spent in prison).
Not all anti-choice protestors are loud, obnoxious, violent or ignore court orders, (thought I disagree very strongly with Mr Lat's assessment of them as only being a "few" in number). However, that does not means we should simply ignore the ones who are loud, obnoxious, violent and ignore court orders.
Whether you believe in their "cause" or not, these people are criminals. That is why the Supreme Court unanimously decided to uphold the anti-trust laws against Operations Rescue.
Abortion is a choice that a woman has the right to make.
It is not an easy choice (another fact that Mr. Latte is unaware of), and it is not made any easier by those who blockade clinics and kill doctors. I became a co-president for Students for Choice because I wanted to help eliminate the ignorance that surrounded the issue of abortion. I hope I have helped Mr. Late. Michael D. Evers '95 Co-president, Students for Choice
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