
Religious Group Solicits on Campus

In violation of University policy, members of the Boston Church of Christ solicited students in the Cabot Science Library last week to attend services of the organization.

One first-year said she was approached twice in the library last Wednesday evening by members of the organization inviting her to speeches and a church-sponsored potluck dinner.

"The woman politely asked if I was interested in attending their biblical study meetings," said the student, who wished to remain unidentified. "I said I didn't want to come."

Another student gave his phone number to the organization and said he has received "several nagging phone calls" from members of the church, asking him to attend their meetings.

This is not the first time that the church, which is not a member of the United Ministries, has sent recruiters to the Harvard campus.


Mary Karen Powers, the Roman Catholic member of the United Ministries, recalled one incident a few years ago.

"They came to the Summer School registration and invited students to a University picnic," she said. "They pretended to have an association with Harvard that doesn't exist."

Harvard, however, has not officially responded to the church's latest actions.

"We have not taken a specific position against them by name," said Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III.

Epps, however, expressed his regret that members of the organization were allowed into the library.

"People using Cabot are always supposed to show their I.D.," Epps said.

The church has reportedly targetedundergraduates throughout the Boston area.

At least one, Boston University, has takendefinitive steps to warn its students.

Robert W. Thornburg, Boston University Chaplainand Dean of Marsh Chapel, recently wrote an18-page report warning students of theorganization's persistence.

"Once phone numbers are exchanged, the pressurebegins," the packet says.

"Phone calls are often and urgent. There is norest from them," the packet adds
