It's going to be a neck-and-neck race for vice-president next week in the Undergraduate Council spring semester elections.
But the real contest could actually come next fall, when all of next week's vice-presidential jockeying may pay off for one lucky candidate in the presidential elections.
While no one has yet put in a bid to run against seemingly invincible incumbent President Carey W. Gabay '94, the race for vice president will be tight.
Treasurer Rene Reyes '95, Secretary Cynthia D. Johnson '96, Campus Life Committee Co-Chair Joshua D. Liston '95, and Finance Committee Chair Jamila A. Braswell '95--three juniors and one sophomore--will be vying for the vice presidency.
But why all the fuss about being the council's second-in-charge and official attendance taker?
That's because competing for vice president means not losing to "good guy" Gabay. And it also represents a chance for the candidates to position themselves in the executive hierarchy before reaching for the brass ring next fall.
Rave Reviews
For a council that had weathered a Gabay, the former council treasurer, wasclosely associated with former Chair Michael P.Beys '94 and former Secretary Randall A. Fine '96,both of whom carried reputations stained bywrongdoing. "Last year, Mike Beys, Randy Fine and CareyGabay ran in a tight pack and most people who likeone like them all," Mark D. McKay '94, who lost toGabay in last fall's presidential race, said in aninterview with the Crimson in October. But in his four months as council president,Gabay seems to have put to rest almost all doubtsabout his ability to forge an effective andunified council. Current vice president and former presidentialcandidate Melissa Garza '94, one of Gabay's mostoutspoken critics in the fall, has joined a numberof former skeptics on the council who now havenothing but praise for the president. "I had reservations when the year began," shesays. "I was really concerned that past leadershipstyles would pervade the council." But "Carey has made a more inclusive council,and that's the biggest reason he's earned myrespect," Garza says. Longtime council member John Mann '92-'94 votedagainst Gabay in the fall because Mann "thoughthe'd be a continuation of Mike Beys, which Ididn't think would be good for the council." Gabay, however, "turned out to be prettyautonomous, very motivational," and willing to "dothe legwork him-self if necessary," Mann says. Read more in News