

Crimson Ignores Students' Priorities

To The Editors:

An intruder in Weld, then two more in Matthews. Two assaults and an arson in the Yard. The security of Harvard students is crucially in need of re-evaluation.

So, recently, the Undergraduate Council took the first steps in a major security initiative. Ensuring a direct line to Harvard Police in an emergency is a vital step in preserving the safety of all students. And yet, above the story on the council meeting. The Crimson runs the headline "U.C. Squashes Review Group" (news story, Oct. 28).

It is true that the structure of the council could be improved. However, this resolution was placed last on the docket with good reason. The council considers it less important than serving the interests of students.

Despite what the campus press or anyone else may believe, neither I nor the vast majority of council members devote our time and energy in the hope of perfecting government. I challenge anyone to find 10 Harvard students outside Crimson staff and campers who honestly believe that adding a new committee to the council structure is more important to them than improving the state of campus security. Good luck.

In its search for catchy headlines. The Crimson has lost night of students' priorities. And so, when the council secures more lighting in Cambridge Common or a safer and more reliable shuttle schedule, you may not know about it. Look under the headline "Council Committee Structure Reconsidered." --Justin C. Label '97   Chair, Student Affairs Committee,   Undergraduate Council
