
Currier Welcomes Frozen Yogurt

Berry Wants Treats For All The Houses

Three years ago, seniors hailed Harvard Dining Services Director Michael Berry as the Mealtime Messiah. Now, Currier House residents might call him Pro-Yo Ma.

Berry is providing Currier residents with a soft-serve yogurt machine in time for reading period this January, and if Fro-Yo Ma gets his way, more frozen yogurt franchises could begin sprouting up in other parts of campus.

"When I first came here, one of the first things I thought I'd do is put soft-serve machines in everywhere," Berry said. "They wouldn't fit in all the houses."

But Berry didn't want to short-shrift any houses, so he never put in any soft-serve machines.

But earlier this fall, the Currier House Committee approached Berry and said it was willing to share the cost of buying the machine.


At $12,000 a machine, that would have been a lot of sharing for the house committee. But Berry will have an extra soft-serve yogurt dispenser at his disposal in January, so he decided to give it to the folks at Currier who dared to dream.

One of those dreamers was Zach T. Buchwald '96, treasurer of the house committee.

"We just though it would be a good addition to the house," said Buchwald. He said the house committee would have to spend some of its own money to have its frozen dessert pumper, but it won't be "a huge financial burden."

As Berry dreams of frozen yogurt in every pot, he said he hopes all students will take advantage of the soft-serve machine planned for the student center at Memorial Hall.

And now, he's ready to look into putting frozen yogurt dispensers in some of the other houses.

"I wish I could put them every-where...because I think students like them," Berry said. "If I could give you all soft-serve, I would."
