

Ho Apologizes For Lack of Clarity

To The Editors

I write to respond to the recent criticism of my letter ("Lat Should Eat His Own Words," Opinion, Oct. 22, 1994) and provide the clarification requested by the co-presidents of Philippine Forum, Daryl J. Paraguys '96 and Mary to Razon '96 ("Ho Unfairly Criticizes Philippine Festivals," Opinion, Oct. 24, 1994).

In their letter, Paraguys and Razon critique my alleged characterization of Philippine cultural festivals as "masturbatory,' offering nothing but "bad music, bad food and Filipino cultural pride, all for the low price of $26,000."

Although they cite my letter correctly, my words were not intended to reflect my own opinion of Philippine Forum's events.

Instead, they clearly mimicked the words of David B. Lat '96, who had characterized "celebrations of diversity" as "mutual masturbation festivals," and an Adams House dance as providing "bad music and pink triangles, all for the low price of $26,000" ("Those Happy Homos," Opinion, Oct. 18, 1994).

In my letter criticizing Lat's attack on National Coming Out Day, I intended simply to demonstrate that Lat's knee-jerk opposition to homosexuality and all its manifestations has led him to attack celebrations of diversity no different than those of Philippine Forum.


It is the extension of Lat's attack on "gay pride" which is the true affront to the celebrations of diversity which Philippine Forum, and I, defend.

The criticism levied by Paraguys and Razon stems from an unfortunate misinterpretation of my letter.

I respectfully apologize to the extent that my lack of clarity prompted this misinterpretation, and I stand steadfastly behind my original opinion. Derek T. He '96

The writer is senior editor of Perspective, Harvard-Radcliffe's Liberal Monthly.
