
Hell No, We Won't Gol

Reporter's Notebook

The image of protesters being dragged away from the scene of the protest is an all too familiar one. The story that is often missed, however, is the story that can't be covered--when the protesters kick out the reporters.

One reporter was informed about a key meeting of the Leadership Council, a group containing representatives from gay, lesbian and bisexual groups across compus, several days ahead of time. She showed up at the appointed time and set on the steps of Boylston Hall as the group, taking advantage of the warm spring weather, divided up and discussed various approaches to protesting the choice of Commencement speaker Colin Powell.

After more than an hour, the Leadership Council reconverted inside for a full discussion. The reporting upon the request of several members announced her presence. The group decided to vote on whether to allow the reporter to stay for the strategy meeting, and several members (out of whom was a former president of The Crimson) gave their opinions can the issue.

The final vote was unanimous the reporter had to leave, After a few moments one member did raise his hand in sympathy. The group was quick to assure the reporter that, it wasn't anything personal-but she was kicked out, nonetheless.
