
Two Houses, Two Ways of Life

Once a Jock House, Kirkland Has Lost Athletes, Not Spirit

Step into the Kirkland House dining hall and you may get a glimpse of the house's social spirit--but don't be misled by all the athletes that congregate there during mealtimes.

Although "K. House" has been viewed in past years as a haven for undergraduate athletes, residents insist that randomization is bringing a swift end to Kirkland's days as a jock house.

"The mix of people we have now is making Kirkland House much more representative of Harvard as a whole," says Senior Tutor Garth O. McCavana. "We certainly still have a large number of people who are involved in athletics, but I don't think there is a large group who is predominant."

Kirkland used to be comprised of two-thirds varsity and junior varsity athletes, but now only 35 to 40 percent of residents are athletes, McCavana estimates.

Some seniors mourn the loss of athletic Kirkland's team spirit. "There is a general spirit among the seniors in the house that since the last of old Kirkland went out, things have changed," Scott R. Arsenault '93 says.

"It's nice to be in a very jocky house because there's not much studying going on," he says. "There was always someone to talk to. Now everyone's doing their own individual projects."


This is not the first time, however, that Kirkland has undergone change.

"Kirkland has gone through these cycles before," McCavana says. "In the seventies it was known as Gay-K."

Other students say that whatever transformation randomization has brought to Kirkland, diversification has not damaged Kirkland's friendly, social atmosphere and dynamic house spirit.

In fact, it is difficult to get Kirkland residents to name drawbacks of living in Kirkland other than long lines at dinner.

"It's a very active house environment," says Marion Leong '95. "There's always something going on. There are always people tabling or giving recitals. Generally people feel really proud to be part of Kirkland."

Some say that the spirit that was once embodied in the house's numerous athletes has found other channels of expression as the house has diversified.

The Kirkland House Drama Society, which stages musicals and plays in the Junior Common Room once a semester, provides a form of house bonding off the playing field.

Last spring, the society sponsored a production of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," acted and staged entirely by Kirkland residents with varying degrees of acting experience.

"I was so excited to go out there and do my 12 lines," says House Committee Chair Trey Grayson '94, who played one of Banquo's murderers. "It was cast bonding, but it was also house bonding."

Thursday Nights

In addition, four or five Thursdays each semester the House committee sponsors "Stein Clubs," informal gatherings with a keg for those of age and soda for younger house residents, Grayson says.

Kirkland residents seem willing to forgive any lack of facilities the house may have, because they enjoy the house's atmosphere.

"We don't have great facilities no dance studio, no pottery studio--but what we do have is a happy and interactive group of students and fellows." House Master Donald H. Pfister says.

Residents also say that Kirkland's location, near the yard and the athletes fields, is a plus. The location brings in a lot of inter house diners, which may explain long lines at dinner and large numbers of athletes who eat there.

Most residents seem willing to brave the dinner lines because the dining hall is such a central part of house life.

Many praise the friendliness of the dining hall staff, who make an effort to get to know the students.

"Roberta, the dining hall checker, is our friend," Grayson says. "She has season tickets for hockey, right behind the bench, so she can always talk to her boys."

The social atmosphere of the dining hall, residents say, embodies the qualities that make Kirkland a pleasant place to live.

The special part is the friendliness and openness that seems to define Kirkland," Pfister says. "People are outgoing.
