
Papers Fail to Reach B-School Department

It's a good possibility that this issue of The Crimson will not arrive as scheduled at the operations department of the Harvard Business School this morning.

Officials at the operations department said yesterday they have not received copies of The Crimson on the days their department has appeared in stories on the front page.

"It's really weird," said Jean Dwyer, the department employee who receives the Crimson deliveries. "We have received every other issue."

Dwyer said she did not receive a copy of yesterday's Crimson, which ran a story in which Paul M. Halloran, a former assistant manager in the department, denied having been fired from his job earlier this year.

Dwyer also said she did not receive issues on February 12 and March 11--the other two days when The Crimson ran stories about abrupt resignations in the department.


"It could just be a coincidence," Dwyer said.

Another member of the department who requested anonymity said employees read The Crimson in order to clear up the reasons behind three resignations in the department in January.

He said he doesn't know anything about the resignations beyond what he read in The Crimson.

"We're learning about it from you guys," said the employee, who added that he read the copy of yesterday's Crimson in the library.

Officials at Operational Support Services (OSS), the department which delivers the mail, said they received the correct number of copies of The Crimson on those days and could not explain why the operations department did not receive theirs.

"If it comes to us, it should go to them," said Robert J. Breslow, director of administrative services in charge of OSS.

But Dwyer said she spoke to the person who delivers the mail, and he told her he had not seen their paper that morning.

Crimson officials said the correct number of papers also were delivered to the Business school.

"The odds that those three days are missing is phenomenal," said Maurice W. Dobson '95, a circulation manager at The Crimson.

Officials stopped short of accusing others of blocking delivery, but one official said there was some incentive to take the paper before it was delivered.

"This is happening because everyone is interested in those stories," said Antohny D. Fucillo, assistant property manager.

The February 12 and March 11 issues included front page stories about forced resignations of Raymond P. Gomes, former director of operations, and Steven G. Hayes, operations manager.

The March 11 issue also detailed a massive administrative shakeup in which one employee was promoted twice and one new position was created in addition to the three resignations
