
More Asbestos Tiles Removed From 29G

More asbestos tiles will be removed from 29 Garden Street on Monday, according to a memorandum slipped under the resident first-years' doors yesterday afternoon.

Harvard Real Estate had conducted a similar removal project earlier this school year.

"During the renovation project for the parking and traffic department, we discovered some more asbestos floor tile," said the memorandum from John D. Holleran, Harvard Real Estate building superintendent.

"There is no necessary preparation on your part," the memorandum told students.

Some 29 Garden Street residents were concerned by the notice.


"If [asbestos] was here, they shouldn't have put us here in the first place," said Natalee S. Campbell '96.

Most students, however, weren't bothered by the asbestos removal. "It's no big deal," said Tina Kim '96.

"As long as the noise doesn't bother me and they're taking the asbestos out, it doesn't bother me," said Renee A. Richardson '96.

"As long as they let the students know, [I don't mind]," said Jeff Wang, the self-described "spouse of a proctor." Wang said he was "not surprised" that asbestos had been found during the renovations.
