

Offensive and Juvenile


As a long-time and regular reader of the Crimson, I was disgusted and disappointed by your decision to publish the cartoon on page two of your January 8th issue. Comments which I have heard from others, students and staff alike, suggest that a large majority of this community were offended and angry about the cartoon. I understand that your piece was intended as a response to material in another publication, The Rag. Unfortunately this was not clear and the nature of your response was extremely offensive without any redeeming qualities of humor or social criticism.

This is not an issue of free speech. The Crimson obviously has a right to print what it will. Your decisions, however, can and do reflect on your judgment, maturity, and responsibility as journalists. The use of offensive and juvenile material like this cartoon makes it very hard for your readers to take the Crimson seriously when it offers commentary and advice on more serious matters.

I hope that the new Crimson staff will avoid this kind of poor judgment shown by its predecessors and take more seriously its mission of providing high quality journalism for the Harvard Community. --Fred Jewett   Dean of Harvard College
