
Panelists Say Clinton Must Be Active Abroad

The Clinton administration must play an active role in shaping improved relations between countries, according to a panel of scholars and journalists gathered in Lamont Library last night.

Before a crowd of about 20. Yevegenia Albats, Keizo Takemi. Dieudonne Mangui-Mbeh Pigui. Francis Pisani and Lucia Annunziata interpreted the new administration from different global perspectives.

"We are living in a world where all the instruments that have been regulating foreign policy for the past five decades have ended," said Annunziata, a foreign correspondent for la Repubblica in Rome.

The panelists who represented Russia, Asia, South America, Europe and Africa--said recent changes in the world have not lessened U.S. influence around the globe.

"The States has a lot of responsibility over what has happened in the world," said Albats who is an investigative reporter with Moscow News.


Lakemi who voiced the concerns of the Asian community, said he hopes Clinton will keep Asian societies open and democratic.

Lakemi also said he would like the U.S. to create a "Soft Landing" for possible emerging Socialist regimes in Asia and act as a stabilizer by continuing military occupation in Asia.

Albats said Clinton must eradicate misconceptions Russians and Americans hold about each other if he is to achieve progress in relations.

"I think that it is important to understand the nature of the people you deal with". Albats said "Anyone entering the White House must have a clear understanding about Russia and the collapse of Communism."

Pisam, a freelance French journalist based in Mexico, said the U.S. must start treating Latin America as a partner, not a colony.
