This particular issue--the last one of our Crimson careers--did not go gentle into that good night. It raged, raged against the dying of the light. It kind of sucked at times.
Our beloved scrutiny writer Seth Mnookin traipsed all over Chinatown taking pictures to illustrate his piece and had his life threatened many times. The pictures didn't come out. Back at The Harvard Crimson, we faced cartoon dilemmas, late text, late editing, computer mishaps...the usual horrors, plus four extra pages in which they could occur.
As for the whole shebang, the whole mag experience, well, that was a different story. Tuesday nights--our deadline--seemed to stretch into eternity, but looking back, it seems our terms started only yesterday. That must mean we had fun.
Special and heartfelt thanks to three unsung heroes who have been crucial to all 20 issues yet haven't been referred to as much as they deserve in the most self-referential magazine on campus:
James Cham. Thanks for making the FM look like a real, professional magazine: the logo, the multi-shaded charts, Scrutinies, the covers, the groovy train, the happy fonts, everything. Good luck next year as coeditor of this thing.
Anthony J. Laracuente. When you claim that certain of your drawings are not good enough to be on the cover, we don't know what you're talking about. Special thanks for the oh-so-funny not-so-funnies.
Haibin Jiu. It became a kind of ritual: "Whoops! It's Friday. We should call Haibin about the pictures we need for Monday." We appreciate your trekking all over Cambridge and campus to snap sassy pics with attitude.
Thanks to all our writers, designers, proofers, ad sales-people, Brian Byrne and Pat Sorrento.
Good luck to the new mag crew: James, Natasha, Seth, Erica, Sunah and Michael. We can't wait to see your sexy, revamped magazine... Love,
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