
FM Profiles

Hollister J. Leopold '95

Headline She's Freefallin'

Home: North House and Lexington, Massachusetts

Concentration: Music

Et cetera: Plays cello for H.R.O. Goes by "Holly."

Her claim to fame: I was pressed up against Bill Clinton for fifteen minutes--sweating. Some guy was asking him what car he drove, and I was pressed up against Bill because of this big mob. Front to front. Belly to belly. Maybe not fifteen minutes, it seemed like forever. I got to shake his hand, felt the sweat, yes. And I have the autograph to prove it.


What Clinton feels like: Squishy. Definitely squishy.

Why there is a goose in her room:I have a goose lamp! If anyone has a name for her, I'd like to know.

Her first kiss: It was a boy named Robin who I tried to pin to the clay table and kiss. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Popeye.

Why she did that: I have no clue. It was the beginning of a long trend of errors in judgement.

The best thing about the cello: It can sound both happy and sad.

How she reconciles being pre-med and a music concentrator: I close my eyes and jump.

Description of growing up with five siblings: Chaos.

An example: Thanksgiving around a coffee table. My little brother squirting cranberry sauce with a turkey baster.

Most hellish Harvard experience: I took thirty transfer students to "The European," a restaurant in the North End. I lost twenty-five of them on the green line. Then had the bill come to over 300 bucks.

Advice to future generations: Always attend "Milk and Cookies."
