
Gap Outlet Reopens

A refurbished outlet of The Gap--featuring two floors and carrying everything from embroidered vests to broomstick skirts--opened this week on Brattle St.

The clothing store and shopping mecca for Harvard undergraduates went back in business Tuesday for the first time since closing in August for renovations, Gap officials said.

"The Gap's reopening worries me because I could see myself coming here very often from now on," said Alais L.M. Griffin '94. "You can always use these clothes.

In addition to the new second floor, the store now carries the Gap Kids line. And this newly renovated version of The Gap has also installed an elevator to accommodate the large number of expected shoppers.

"Oh my God, its the biggest Gap I've ever seen," said customer David M. Lange '94.


To kick off the holiday season, The Gap sponsored a student shopping night withAmerican Express for MIT and Harvard students lastnight.

The Gap raffled off prizes from companies suchas Continental Airlines and Tower Records. Storepersonnel also served complimentary coffee andpastries from Starbucks.

"I think this is a really great promotion,"said Pratima Gupta '96. "The atmosphere is greatbecause the people are so happy and helpful. Thefree gifts are great too."

Students said they were glad to see The Gapreopen in time for the holidays.

"This new Gap is going to be very helpfulduring the holiday season because I'm going to bebuying lots of things for my girlfriend here,"said Dave B. Rickard '96
