Since I began writing this column nearly a year ago, I've had the chance to finally sort through all my fan mail (or at least dream up some letters which I might have received).
Here's a sampling:
Dear PC Corner,
My dad just gave me $5,000 to buy a computer. Which one should I get? (I'm really) Rich in Kirkland
Dear Rich,
Instead of getting a computer, why don't you invest the money in some Intel stock? Computers don't last as long as dividends.
Dear PC Corner,
I am badly in love with this woman in my Computer Science 50 class. The problem is, she's a senior, and I'm a first-year. I'm afraid my friends will laugh at me for going out with an older woman. What should I do? Sleepless in Pennypacker
Dear Sleepless,
Why are you asking me this? I'm only a computer geek. This sort of stuff can't be fit into binaries and, besides, I never took that class. You should send questions like this to Norma, the Ann Landers-in-residence at Fifteen Minutes, our weekly magazine. I'm sure she'll have an answer for you.
Dear PC Corner,
My roommate is such a PC pig. For example, he always says "becoming temporarily out of physical and mental state" instead of "getting wasted." Such phrases really annoy me and my other roommates. What can we do to stop him? Fed Up in Weld
Dear Fed Up,
I'm not sure what you are asking. You may be confusing this column with a rumored suggestion for a column in Perspective on political correctness, but in any case, I'm a PC pig myself and proud of it.
Dear PC Corner,
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