
Alewife Development Plan Ready

Concerns of Neighbors, Business Owners May Slow Implementation

The Alewife Development Plan has been three years in the making. But if last night's city Planning Board meeting is any indication, the proposal may not go before the Cambridge City Council anytime soon.

Cambridge Deputy Director of Community Development Mary Flynn outlined goals in five areas of planning: environment and open space, transportation, housing, economic development and urban design.

Flynn said four locations, that are largely undeveloped compared to the rest of Alewifewould be upgraded under the plan. These areas are the Alewife Reservation, the Triangle, the Quadrangle and the Fresh Pond commercial area.

Flynn said that in terms of environment, the plan would "provide open space when-ever possible" and increase pedestrian access, while still providing for a safe environment.

The plan "would promote alternate means of transportation," and "encourage people to use the new bus network or the T," Flynn said. It also promotes improvements in pedestrian and bicycle paths.


She added that the plan would create "new housing opportunities wherever possible."

In terms of economic development, it would "encourage new job opportunities" and the expansion of the tax base through private development.

Finally, on the issue of urban design, the plan would increase connections between areas.

Alewife is currently divided into many small areas, Flynn said, and the connections would provide a more cohesive environment.

Flynn also emphasized the necessity for development in the end of the Triangle, and the plan calls for active ground floor retail use along Cambridgepark Drive.

Flynn stressed the importance of access between the Triangle and the Quadrangle. The two areas are currently blocked off by the commuter rail and fences and would be connected by extending Cambridgepark Drive to Smith place.

The Triangle and the Fresh Pond Shopping Center would also be connected by a pedestrian bridge over the tracks.

The Quadrangle is important for future economic development, Flynn said, and would be used for research and development, light industry and manufacturing firms.

The Fresh Pond area would be devoted to the upgrading the shopping center and encouraging mixed use development.

Concerns Raised

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