
New Development Plan Unveiled for Alewife Area

Proposal Encourages Open Space While Including Housing, Commercial, Transportation Uses

A recently released master plan for North Cambridge's Alewife area calls for expanding open space while also encouraging private development.

The Cambridge Community Development Department presented the 53-page plan yesterday to a group of the area's commercial landowners.

The plan, released last week, details goals in five planning areas: environment and open space, housing, economic development, and urban design.

In yesterday's meeting at the Chamber of Commerce, "People were interested and asked thoughtful questions and the reaction seemed positive," said Mary Flynn, deputy director of the Community Development Department.

Al Wilson of the Wilson-Cambridge Realty Trust, who attended yesterday's meeting, said, "The entire membership of the chamber seems to feel it is a good solution. There are some problems to work out, but the direction is good."


John A. Ginsberg, director of public affairs and community relations for the Chamber of Commerce, said the plan "gives a good framework for the residential and business communities to discuss and plan future land use decisions and economic plans."

The city Planning Board will hold a hearing to get testimony from residents and businesses on the evening of Tuesday, November 16. The board will then decide whether they want to make any changes, Flynn said.

The master plan will then go to the City Council for discussion and a vote.

Upgrading Resources

The plan calls for protecting and upgrading existing environmental resources such as the Alewife and Fresh Pond Reservations, expanding existing open space in the interior portions of the district through landscaping and tree planting, and creating a safe environment for people.

On transportation issues, the plan will promote use of and improvements in pedestrian and bicycle paths, as well as discourage solo driving options to reduce traffic.

The proposal recommends creating opportunities for housing along the residential edges while still permitting housing in Alewife's subdistricts. It also encourages private development to expand job opportunities, increase the tax base and upgrade the physical environment.

In addition, the plan calls for Alewife to provide strong retail areas and other support services.

Finally, the plan discusses three urban design goals which aim to create a more positive image for Alewife. Alewife should connect to Cambridge, have a more cohesive and livable environment and create a sense of place.

The plan describes the recommendations for all of Alewife, and discusses improvements in four specific areas. These areas are the Alewife Reservation, the Triangle, the Quadrangle, and the Fresh Pond Commercial Area.
