
My, What a Scary Little Magazine

After much debate, we have decided that yes, we will take FM trick-or-treating with us this weekend. As overprotective parents, we were concerned that our child might not be safe. In recent years, Halloween has become such a bizarre--and even dangerous--holiday, that we didn't know if would be such a good idea to take our baby out in the dark.

Then we said, "To hell with it. Let's take FM trick-or-treating. It's just a bunch of newsprint anyway."

So now we just have to figure out how to dress up little FM. I'm guessing that "Barney" costumes are all the rage for the kiddies this year (FM qualifies as a "kiddie" at a year and nine months or so) but I hate "Barney," very much. I won't have my child seen in purple.

The simplest costume for FM would be that of some other publication. Here's a list June and I made up of the choices. But as you can see, we kept coming up with flaws:

Vogue--a little tricky, because FM would have to go glossy and we just don't have all those Clinique ads.


The Harvard Crimson--Nah. Too much gray.

The Harvard Independent--fairly easy, because like FM, the Indy comes out on Thursday. But we can do better.

The Harvard Gazette--No fun.

Inside Edge--No.

We're still thinking. Now we're leaning toward Peninsula, because wouldn't that be a frightening costume?

If we show up at your door on Halloween, please give FM lots of Milky Ways and Snickers. It's okay, FM had an excellent check-up at the dentist's last week: no cavities--just a million-dollar smile.

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