
Police Arrested N.Y. Murder Suspect

Man Nabbed by Harvard Detective Is Wanted for Killing, Wounding in Brooklyn

A man arrested by a Harvard detective in connection with a Labor Day shooting in Boston is wanted for murder in New York on charges that he murdered a Brooklyn man and wounded his friend, Harvard police said yesterday.

Jose Antonio DePena-Fabian, 24, who was booked in Boston last month under the alias Miguel Antonio Pena, is wanted in New York for murdering a Brooklyn man and wounding his friend. He faces charges of murder in the second degree, attempted murder in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm, police said.

DePena-Fabian was arrested by a Harvard detective after the suspect allegedly fired four to six shots with a .38 caliber handgun at a red van during a high-speed chase through Roxbury.

Harvard Detective Richard Mederos, who was on an overtime patrol of the Harvard medical area, heard the shots and pursued DePena-Fabian and his accomplices, according to police reports of the incident.

When the red van sped onto a nearby highway access ramp, Mederos followed the suspect car, a green Chrysler, through Mission Hill to the Bromley Heath housing development, where DePena-Fabian and the two other men in the car bailed out, Boston police said.


Mederos arrested two of the men at gunpoint, and a Bromley Heath security guard arrested the third.

DePena-Fabian was charged with assault withintent to commit murder in connection with theLabor Day shooting, police said.

Harvard detectives said yesterday that aninformant told New York Police Departmentofficials about DePena-Fabian's arrest.

New York police faxed a copy of DePena-Fabian'sfingerprints to Boston police, who matched themwith fingerprints left by the suspect in theMission Hill area, Mederos said yesterday.

Harvard police had not been able to matchinformation about the suspect to warrants issuedby New York police because DePena-Fabian had givenofficers false information at the time of hisarrest, Mederos said.

A spokesperson for the Brooklyn precincts ofthe New York City Police Department said yesterdaythe matter is under investigation and noinformation could be released at this time.

New York police have sent a copy of the warrantfor DePena-Fabian to the Suffolk Country DistrictAttorney's office. Carmen Fields, the spokespersonfor the district attorney's office, said yesterdaythat in a case such as DePena-Fabian's, thesuspect would be extradited to face the moreserious charges first.

Officer Bill Riley of the Boston Police saidyesterday that DePena-Fabian is still being heldat the Nashua Street jail on $35,000 bail. Rileyalso confirmed the outstanding warrants againstDePena-Fabian
