
Bigger Is Better in Winthrop House

Dining Hall Employee Adds Five-Foot Long Utensils to Kitchen

It's straight out of the set for "Dead Again."

A new collection of five giant utensils adorning the Winthrop House dining hall's service area has drawn puzzled and excited comments from house residents.

"They would look cool in a dorm room," said Heather M. MacLennan `96.

"I bet my head could fit inside the whisk," said Katherine K. Huang `97.

The utensils consist of two cheese slicers, a corkscrew, a can opener and a whisk--each about five feet long.


`Just So Big'

James T. Veldman, assistant manager of Winthrop Dining Services, said he spotted the giant utensils in the dining services' administrative offices and brought them to the house.

"I went into the associate director's office and I saw those huge utensils and thought they looked kind of awkward--they were just so big," Veldman said.

Veldman said he has received positive comments from many students.

He says he thinks the utensils "spruce up" the rather dark and dull serving area.

Falling From the Sky

But one student wasn't sure he liked the element of surprise.

"You never know when a huge bottle will fall from the sky," said Ari E. Miller `96.
