
SAC Members Elect Officers

Representatives From La Raza, BSA To Head Committee

Osvaldo A. Rubio '95 and Kimberley A. Pattillo '96 were elected co-chairs of the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural Affairs and Race Relations this week.

Rubio, of Cabot House, and Pattillo, of Kirkland House, were elected Monday night by a unanimous vote of the committee. Both students, who served on the committee last year, will serve for two semesters as co-chairs.

The Foundation, chartered in 1982 to foster cultural activities and improve relations among students in the college's racial and ethnic groups, is run by Director S. Allen Counter and the SAC, which consists of representatives of various minority groups on campus and students elected at large.

Rubio, a member of La Raza, said that his main goal is to have the SAC work together to handle issues of race relations. "I wish to consult the SAC for consensus on exactly what our goals are," he said.

Rubio said his experience with the Foundation led him to run for co-chair.


"This is my fourth semester on the SAC," Rubio said. "I believe it is a noteworthy and valuable organization that has much potential."

Rubio said that right now the committee must devote all of its energy to awarding grants to student agencies. "Our immediate goal," he said, "is to complete the grants process as efficiently and fairly as possible."

Pattillo, a member of the Black Students Association, coordinated last year's Cultural Rhythms show and worked as a student intern at the Foundation.

She said one of her main goals as co-chair will be to ensure "cohesive" functioning of the committee.

The body "looks forward to a productive year with increased participation by all members of the SAC and by the general Harvard community," she said.

Sanjay Shetty '96 of the South Asian Association and North House was elected secretary at the meeting.

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