

Dunster Articles Miss Whole Picture


Who is responsible for the never-ending drama in Dunster House? While The Crimson is not the root of the problems in Dunster House, it has certainly contributed to, if not caused, the soap opera feeling of the entire affair.

As an outsider one could think from reading The Crimson, that Dunster House Master Karel F. Liem and Dunster tutors Vincent W. Lee '87 and William Lee are complete monsters. In reality Liem is one of the most-liked science professors in the entire University (according to the CUE guide), and both Vince and Will Li are well-liked and well-respected in the Harvard community and the medical profession.

I often wonder if students who go off half-cocked and speak out on a particular issue actually examine the question from more than one point of view. Do obsessed students consider the consequences of their actions?

The subjects of this unfortunate political fiasco are human beings. The after-effects of this affair could well continue through a person's career and life, if not in a practical way at least in a psychological way. The fact that crucifying people in the media does not necessarily, or even usually, lead to the resolution of the conflict makes all of this more sad, disappointing and useless.

Yes, students do deserve to have their complaints recognized and heard, but I do not believe that a one-sided airing in the school newspaper is the best way to resolve the problems at Dunster. Has anyone at The Crimson asked the majority of students how they feel about the tutors involved in the situation, outside of the specific issues?


The tutors in question are valuable resources for the students of Dunster House. Each one has many special talents and, more importantly, they are willing to share these talents. People do not become tutors only to provide inconveniences for the students.

The Crimson should remember that there are people involved in this situation. There should be a more productive way to make Dunster whole and happy than to have malicious articles written in The Crimson so often. Jennifer I. Byrnes
