
Flushing out The Mind

On the John

Just some thoughts to mull over with the morning coffee:

.Joe Restic deserves some sort of day or celebration in honor of his career.

Sure, his "Multi-flex" offense in the last couple of years has been about as popular as the Arsenio Hall show, but the man has been a model of integrity. In this day of big time college football, he has not changed, he has not cheated, and he has fought like mad for what he stands for. As a man, he deserves the honor.

.The professional hockey season begins in a week. Warning to you fans, stay away from the Garden. If the Bruins have not signed Bourque, or--worse yet, they have already traded him--mark my words, someone will blow up the building.

Unlike the suit-wearing, boring, uninterested individuals that go to Celtics games, the Bruins' faithful are passionate fans, bordering on lunatics. They lost one legend almost twenty years ago. If they lose another, things could get ugly.


No Bourque, no building. That's how I see it, anyway.

.Intramurals have begun to kick into high gear here at Harvard. Some of the football teams look pretty good. I think the Patriots would play them though, though. My line: Lowell by 3 1/2.

.Who exactly does Boston Globe columnist Bob Ryan think he is? Have you heard his comments on soccer recently?

For those who missed these classics, here you go: His Eloquence said that any game that doesn't use hands can't be a good sport. Hands are, after all, one of the things that make humans unique. So in the world according to Ro, long distance running isn't a good sport either. Or maybe it is--they use their hands to grab the water from the thousands that flock to see them.

And here's the best one: He said that its only the most popular sport in the world because a lot of the countries that play it have nothing else to do. They're poor countries that can't afford our superior American entertainment, and soccer is an inexpensive game.

It's too bad two billion people disagree with you, Mr. Ryan. One more billion and you'll right there with Slick Willy.

.How about this new baseball playoff system? What's next, 49 stars on the American flag?

.Interesting that senior quarterback Mike Giardi is about to break an 80-something-year Harvard record for most touchdowns in a career. Obviously, the Multi-flex is working for someone.

.Don't you think after going 0-10 (with Keith Price injured, there's no hope) this year in New Haven, Yale football Coach Carm Cozza will be quick to follow his long-time friend, Joe Restic, into retirement? I mean, he can't possibly be there for the lovely environment.

.And for those of you who have got this far, one last question: One on one, no-holds-barred wrestling match, Neil Rudenstine against Athletic Director, Bill Cleary. Who do you like? My money is on Neil. He's used to wrestling with people over certain matters.

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