
News Briefs

Kate Frucher to Appear on 'Today'; Tipper Gore to Speak in Boston

Kathryn I. Frucher '93, former president of the Radcliffe Union of students, will appear this morning on the "Today" show in her official capacity as national student coordinator for the Clinton-Gore campaign.

The interview precedes Tipper Gore's visit today to the Boston area.

Two months after husband Al Gore waltzed through Cambridge on his vice presidential campaign tour, a toned-down Tipper Gore will travel to Boston to speak at Boston University.

No longer addressing her signature issues--drugs, sex and the recording industry--Gore will talk to students at the Boston University School of Management shortly after noon.


The speech will be followed by a photo opportunity at the office of B.U. President John Silber, a conservative Democrat who lost the 1990 race for Massachusetts governor.

5000 to Register at Mem. Hall Today

As the Boston area lolls in yet another day of hazy sunshine, Harvard's approximately 5000 upper-class students will register today in Memorial Hall between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. University staff will distribute the traditional registration packets in the main room of Memorial Hall.

Some hundreds of students will receive the dreaded "red dot" on their packets, indicating non-payment of fees. These students must pay on the spot or else face a late registration fee.

Emerging from the hall into the warm and breezy weather, students will run the yellow-and-white striped gaumlet of organizations attempting to bolster membership and to sell wares underneath the tents.

Registrar Georgene Hershbach could not be reached for comment last night.

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