
Officials Open New Complex

Medical School Dedicates $57 Million Research Building

BOSTON--Top Harvard officials gathered at the Medical School last week to dedicate a new $57 million research complex.

Aptly named "The New Research Building," the 200,000 square-foot structure will house the Departments of Genetics, Neurobiology and Pathology as well as the Center for Blood Research.

More than 300 professors, alumni, students and guests ventured to the Medical School's Quadrangle for the Friday celebration to hear speakers praise those responsible for making the building a reality.

Funding for the building came from three sources, said David M. Bray, executive dean for administration. The Medical School obtained about $24 million through "taxable borrowing," the Center for Blood Research procured about $14 million in non-taxable loans and Brigham's and Women's Hospital provided $19 million in cash, he said.

At the dedication, Dean of the Medical School Daniel C. Tosteson '44 commended the efficiency of everyone who worked on the project.


"We finished the building on time and under budget," Tosteson said. "Everyone's cooperation was essential to that happening, and I'm grateful to all who were involved."

The dean also praised the building design, saying the layout will foster "an excellent atmosphere for research."

President Neil L. Rudenstine, in the fourth speech of the day, also praised the new structure, saying "Not all new buildings are necessary of a celebration, but this one sure is."

Rudenstine complimented the building's "free floating space" and said the "shape, structure and ambiance would invigorate our minds."

Other key speakers included the Rev. Peter J. Gomes. A spokesperson delivered remarks from Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn, who could not attend the event.

Some medical school students and Ph.D. candidates, who attended the event, said they look forward to using the new laboratories.

Second-year Ph.D. candidate Ben G. Novitch said, "It's very exciting to have this new space, with it being so updated and well equipped."

Dr. George Hauser, a psychiatry professor who does research in biochemistry and neuroscience, played down the importance of the new building, saying "Physical fa- cilities are always second to personnel."

However, Hauser acknowledged his department'sneed for a permanent residence. "The facility willmake it much more pleasant and comfortable for thedepartments like genetics that have been movingaround. Now they have a home."

Delivering the main address, president of theHoward Hughes Medical Institute Purnell Choppinurged people to press their representatives toincrease their commitment to fund biomedicalresearch.

Choppin, who said he was disheartened by thefact that "Congress is trying to decrease, and notincrease, funding for the NIH," said the nationmust follow Harvard's lead.

While Harvard was able to build its newresearch center, the nation as a whole is runningout of resources for medical research, he said.And this shortage comes at a "crucial time when weare so close to making profound advances in thetreatment and prevention of diseases."

Therefore, Choppin asked, "It's not 'Can weafford to do more,' but 'Can we afford not to domore?'"

The convocation culminated a day-long scheduleof events to celebrate the new building.Professors had led a scientific symposium in themorning

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