Randomized:1. What happens in the spring housing lottery when you get a really low lottery number and your four houses of choice are already filled. The computer will assign you to the remaining, least popular houses. 2. A Harvard event that has ruined many a first-year's spring break (see Angst).
Reading Period:1. Two weeks to read a semester's worth of text and write three 30-page papers. 2. When the rest of the campus goes skiing.
Sections:1. Weekly meetings with graduate students of varying teaching abilities and intelligence (see TF). 2. Meant to complement courses taught by big-name professors too busy to teach the important details that will appear on the final.
Shopping Period:1. The first week of the semester. 2. The only time all semster you'll be excited about your courses.
Sick-Out: What to do when you are totally unprepared for an exam (see Bag).
T.F:1. Teaching Fellow. 2. Person in control of your academic fate.
Thursdays at 8: Time for the Simpsons. Meetings scheduled at this time are poorly attended.
Tommy's Lunch:1. Beloved latenight hangout. 2. Good place to play pinball and drink raspberry lime rickeys.
Undergraduate Council:1. Student Council for college kids (see GovJock). 2. Organization that would go bankrupt from consistently sponsoring rock concerts that bomb if it weren't for the $20 "contribution" you pay them in your term bill.
UHS:1. University Health Services. 2. Not a good place to go when you're healthy. 3. Not a good place to go when you're sick.
Widener Library:1. Mammoth library built in memory of a Titanic drowning victim. 2. where students go to pore over books and sometimes, each other.
Winthrop House: Harvard High 02138.
Yale:1. Broke. 2. Leaderless 3. New Haven lock factory. 4. Where you would have gone if you didn't get into Harvard.
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