The first issue of HQ, a publication dealing with homosexual and bisexual issues, debuted yesterday at the start of the ten-day-long Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Days.
The 36-page publication features photography, poetry, essays, fiction and a musical score.
"The main idea of HQ is to allow as many voices in the queer community to be heard," said Rachel E. Cohen '94, one of the magazine's three editors. "The idea is not to be particularly political but perhaps that's inevitable."
Undergraduates and graduate students contributed to the magazine's first issue, but not all of the writers are homosexual or bisexual, staff members said yesterday. "At least one of our pieces is by a straightwriter, but most are primarily gay or lesbian,"said Cohen. And although many of those involved withHQ are also active in the Bisexual, Gay andLesbian Students Association, the magazine and theorganization have no formal ties, according toCohen. HQ is the first magazine at Harvarddevoted exclusively to gay, lesbian and bisexualissues since the Lavender Review ceasedpublication in 1981, Cohen said. HQ staffers said the periodical's vaguetitle has no particular significance. "I suppose that being a very ambiguous title,it fits for a very ill-defined group," saidTimothy C. Hall '94, an editor. The magazine has received funding from severalHarvard organizations, including the HarvardFoundation, the Radcliffe Union of Students andthe Undergraduate Council. Cohen said the issue distributed last nightwill be the only one this year. But she added thatshe hopes HQ will publish more frequentlyin the future. "Next year it will hopefully be a quarterly,"she said
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