A group of 15 Law School professors yesterday urged the administration to eliminate its appointments committee and create a new committee devoted to diversifying the faculty.
In a three-page letter to the Law School community, the professors also condemned the publication of the annual Harvard Law Review spoof, calling it an example of pervasive sexism and racism on campus.
The April spoof, called the Revue, included a parody of an article by murdered feminist scholar Mary Joe Frug that critics say is misogynistic and insensitive. The Revue also contained an article questioning the scholarship of two Black tenure-track professors.
"Harvard Law School has done far too little to address the issues of sexism and misoguny," the letter says.
The professors demanded that Dean of the law School Robert C. Clark appoint a special committee to investigate the incident.
The letter, which was signed by Professors of Law Duncan M. Kennedy, Christopher F. Edley Jr. and Frank I. Michelman among others, also argues that discrimination exists in the Law School.
"Nothing can erase the truth that these events are continuous with a deeply rooted and long-standing pattern of systematic exclusion," the letter says.
The professors called on school to "collaborate in a renewed effort to transform the Law School from the white male preserve that it now is into an institution genuinely com- The professors said the current facultyappointments committee should be replaced by a newcommittee, "committed as a first order of businessto the creation of a truly diverse and broadlyrepresentative Faculty." The letter was the latest sign ofdissatisfaction with the way Clark handled theparody incident in particular, and demands forincreased faculty diversity in general. Ninestudent groups called for Clark to resign lastweek. The dean issued two statements condemning theparody in the week after its release, but saidyesterday that the students responsible would notbe disciplined. Tyler Professor of Constitutional Law LaurenceH. Tribe who also signed the letter, said in aninterview yesterday that Clark's response to theFrug parody was insufficient. The 15 law scholars said the spoof was not aone-time incident perpetrated by a fewindividuals, but was a "symptom of a much widerproblem." We are told that throughout this academic yearmany students have experienced the Reviews,like much of the Law School, as an environmentthat is seriously hostile to women," the lettersays. In a letter to the community yesterday, Clarkargued that he parody did not represent the viewsof many at the school. "We can do much more to foster respect across,gender and other lines here, but to state theparody reflects misogynistic attitudes shared bymany is unfair," Clark said. Read more in News