
Rudenstine Pleased by Apology, Refuses to Comment on Letter

President Neil L. Rudenstine yesterday added--or refused to add--his opinion to the growing controversy regarding Harvard Foundation Director S. Allen and his letter to The Crimson.

Rudenstine said he and discussed the letter, which many saw as inaccurate and insensitive to Jews, after it appeared in Tuesday's Crimson.

In an brief interview yesterday, the president refused to say if the letter had eroded his confidence in Counter's ability to lead the Foundation, which is devoted to improving intercultural and race relations.

Rudenstine said he could not talk about individuals and the job performance.

But in the past, Rudenstine has discussed Counter and praised his leadership of the Foundation.


In an interview earlier this year, he called Counter "excellent," and spoke of visiting the Cultural Rhythms festival sponsored by the Foundation.

Pleased by Apology

Yesterday, Rudenstine said he was pleased that Counter had apologized to people offended by his letter.

"It was his initiative to contact the director of Hillel," he said.

Rudenstine said he could not say whether Counter's apology--for "discomfort" and "misunderstanding"--was sufficient.

Asked whether Counter should also apologize for insensitivity or inaccuracy, Rudenstine said he had not read Counter's letter of The Crimson's editorial response carefully enough to answer.

A representative of Rudenstine attended a meeting between Counter and Hillel leaders Wednesday.
