

We Don't `Oppose' Dersh


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Recently, in response to the announcement that Professor [Alan M.] Dershowitz might represent Mike Tyson in the appeal of his rape conviction, we began a small-scale effort to enlist law students to work to the prosecution in the case.

Unfortunately, in The Crimson and the Harvard Law Record, our effort has been characterized as "anti-Dershowitz."

We wish to clear up such misconceptions. We made a conscious choice not to approach the issue negatively, as anti-anything, which is why we instead chose to support the prosecution.

We are trying to make a positive statement showing support for the rights of rape victims and for the veracity of women's words in the public sphere in general.


We have explicitly and repeatedly stated that Dershowitz has every right to take the case and that we are not attempting to interfere with that right.

Contrary to the press' characterization of our efforts (especially the Crimson article entitled "Students to Oppose Dershowitz," March 4), we do not share a carefully constructed agenda of disdain for Dershowitz or believe that he should be coerced into giving up the case.

We "oppose" Dershowitz only insofar as his perceived insensitivity towards rape is representative of the prevalent societal mistreatment of rape victims.

Whether or not Dershowitz takes the case, we will continue to support the rights of Desiree Washington and all rape victims.

If our continued support for such rights is, as Dershowitz threatened, "going to push [him] to take the case," then Mike Tyson's got himself a new lawyer. Ashley Barr   Michelle Greene   James McNasby   Harvard Law School
