
The Flicks We've Already Seen

Final Analysis

Richard Gere and Kim Basinger weave suspense into plot, producing a perfect mix. So, far one of the year's best thrillers.


Another science fiction story set in a futuristic wasteland devoid of morals and any sort of acceptable ecology. The story starts off well and then descends in a spiral of miserable chase scenes. Mick Jagger is surprisingly good while Emilio Estevez is mediocre. Anthony Hopkins is also present here, in his first role since his wonderfully chilling portrayal of Hannibal Lechter in Silence of the Lambs.

Fried Green Tomatoes


Jessica Tandy and Kathy Bates star in this unabashedly film. Nevertheless, they somehow man age to draw the audience into its sappiness to create a diverting movie.

Medicine Man

All ill-conceived idea. Neither Sean Connery nor Lor raine Bracco can save this picture--in fact, they're both terrible.

My Cousin Vinny

Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei in a substanceless and unfunny "comedy."

Shining Through

Until the ridiculous and sentimental ending, it's a decent film.

Wayne's World

Not much substance, but then again what do you expect?
