
Senior Tutor Flug Resigns

Winthrop Administrator Steps Down to Pursue Studies

Christine M. Flug stepped down as Winthrop House Senior Tutor last week in order to pursue work at a New Orleans university, House Master James A. Davis said yesterday.

Flug has been on leave this year, researching a book on the New Orleans jazz community. Acting Senior Tutor Greg Mobley has fulfilled her duties since September.

Flug notified Davis last week of her plans to stay in New Orleans and teach English.

Flug could not be reached for comment.

House residents contacted yesterday said Flug was known for her commitment to undergraduates.


Student Reaction

"Students felt she was extremely competent and knew the rules very well," said Eric A. Columbus '94, co chair of the house committee.

Students also said Flug's attention to detail did not stop her from interacting with students.

"I'm sorry to see her go," said David G. Lefer '93, house committee co-chair. "She was always very friendly."

Students said Flug's informal apple cider and popcorn study breaks were popular house events.

Davis said he hoped a new senior tutor would be selected within the next couple weeks. He said he considered Mobley, the acting senior tutor, "a very strong candidate" to replace Flug.

"He has done a great job," Davis said.

Students say Mobley would be a popular choice.

"[Mobley] is on the ball, and students perceive him as a great guy," Columbus said.
