During a recent executive board meeting of the Harvard Republican Club, we discussed why the club had never officially added the name Radcliffe to our title.
Later, during a vote at the general meeting of club membership, the name change was overwhelmingly approved. We realized that as the oldest political organization on campus, recognized as one of the largest college Republican clubs nationally, it was our responsibity to break a long-standing tradition.
In response to the statement printed in the December 2 Crimson staff editorial ("Come Back Tommy"), we do feel our name change was a significant move, even more significant than the loss of Tommy's Lunch, and we question if we are the only campus organization in need of an eye opener.
The Harvard-Radcliffe Republican Club wonders who long it will take The Harvard Crimson to recognize the existence of Radcliffe, or does it not have the intention to break its own tradition. Karen E. Boyle '94, Membership Director Emil G. Michael '94, President The Harvard-Radcliffe Republican Club
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