
Spirit Of Giving Prevails In Square

Annual holiday exhortations for generosity and compassion are having an effect, according to panhandlers and a charity worker interviewed in the Square yesterday.

"We're doing very well right now," said Salvation Army kettle-worker Lawrence Battle, who is stationed right outside the Pit entrance to the Harvard T-station.

Battle, who rings his bell every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., said that the average pedestrian is much more friendly and giving nowadays. He attributed the change to "Christmas cheer."

"People smile and say hello," he said. "They're pleasant and cheerful."

Battle's positive thoughts are echoed by several homeless people on Garden Street and Mass. Ave., who say they have seen an increase in generosityand support in the last few weeks.

Reggie Malloy, 34, who said he is disabled andhas been homeless since June, has received moremoney this holiday season than in previous months.Malloy said he collected about $50 during theentire month of July, and that the first 17 daysof December brought him nearly $100.


"People stop and talk to me," he said. "Theywish me Merry Christmas and say `God bless you.

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