
It's an Erotic Affair At Adams House

Amidst flashing lights and a plenitude of condoms stuffed into napkin dispensers, Adams House residents last night dressed, or undressed, to evoke their special sense of the erotic.

At the first-ever "Erotic Night," a closed dinner affair, residents wore a variety of scintillating outfits, and some of them proceeded to take them off.

Ray Herie '95, Nicholaas V. Peterson '95, and Seth R. Hardin '95 started out small. They were naked except for strategically placed socks.

"We thought people would be doing a lot more stuff," Hardin said.

Helen L. Limm '93 stood out in fluffy white pajamas, toting a stuffed animal.


"Not everyone has the same ideals of erotic," Limm said. "It's a higher concept; you don't have to be wearing a bra."

House Committee Co-Chair Daniel C. DiCicco '94, who dressed in stockings, with red hearts on his chest and cheeks, described the event as "a kind of Drag Night."

"We get together to let out our frustration and express our views on eroticism." he said. "It is not blasphemous, it's just good clean fun."

Other Erotic Night activities included a fashion show featuring Andrew K. Howard '94 and Gavan F. Meeham '94 as the "Reindeer Roller Boys," Joel L. Derfner '95 as "Firebreast with Nipple Ring" and Katherine A. Tulenko '93 with David B. Comacho '95 as "The Wolf Boy Tamed."

Michael McNeal '92-'93 and Eric Anderson '92-'93, wearing wigs, dresses and high heels, followed with a dance to "Perfect Match," a song from Spike Lee's School Daze.

In true mid-December spirit, Jonathan G. Fisher '93, Reies Montes '93-'94, and Thomas A. Aleman '93-'94 dressed in Santa suits.

Fisher called his trio, "Ho, ho, and ho--three ho's." On Erotic Night, nothing is sacred.

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