
House Transfers To Face Limit

New Guidelines Could Place Stricter Cap on Students

Under new guidelines approved by the Committee on House Life, the number of students allowed to transfer among houses could be limited significantly.

The committee report, submitted to Dean of the College L. Fred Jewett '57 earlier this month, recommends that the net loss per house per year be limited to three percent of the house's population, a decrease from the six percent limit allowed the previous year.

The transfer system was modified last March when the net number of students transferring from each house, rather than the gross number of students transferring within the College, was capped at six percent.

The number of transfers into each house was capped, however, providing a maximum number of transfers out.

The committee's report states that "data from the first year of the new method shows a sizable increase in the number of requested and successful transfers."


But nearly half the committee's members voted against the recommendations, according to Undergraduate Council Residential Committee co-chair Jennifer W. Grove '94, and another report is scheduled to be presented on January 6.

Grove said four of the 10 members of the committee voted to keep the six percent cap.

"Dean Jewett wants the committee to discuss the matter, think about it, and re-submit another proposal," Grove said. "We will probably end up with a four, five percent cap."

David L. Duncan '93, former chair of the Residential Committee, said that "somewhere between three and six percent might be ideal."

"There was no magic to the three percent number," Duncan said, "as it is fairly arbitrary."

Last year, 155 students made successful transfers of 185 who applied, a number considered "a bit excessive by the [house] masters," according to Grove. She said the proposed three percent cap "would make the number of student transfers closer to 100 students." Previously, approximately 50 students transferred each year.

Currier Master William A. Graham said yesterdaythat the number of people transferring in and outof his house last year was very small in bothdirections.

"I think the system of inter-house transfer isa rational adjustment system," said Graham, who isalso a professor of the history of religion andIslamic studies.

"I could not imagine there not being anyflexibility," he added.

North House Master J. Woodland Hastings agreedwith Graham's assessment, saying the system "workssatisfactorily."

"I think it is good to have a degree offlexibility," said Hastings, who is alsoMangelsdorf professor of the natural sciences

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