
Students May Receive Administrative Posts

Harvard students who worked on Bill Clinton's campaign may get choice jobs in the president-elect's administration next year.

Kate I. Frucher '93, former chair of the Radcliffe Union of Students, has worked as the student coordinator for the Clinton/Gore campaign since last summer.

In an interview from Little Rock, Ark. yesterday, she said she might be interested in a position at the administration, but said it is unclear whether Clinton transition team officials will offer jobs to the students.

"The Democrats haven't won for such a long time that we're not quite sure how [the giving of positions] will work," Frucher said.

Gregory S. Chernack '93, president of Harvard/Radcliffe for Clinton/Gore, who said he did a lot of work for the campaign over the summer, also expressed mixed feelings about an administrative post.


"My priorities have been getting Bill Clinton elected," he said. "[Getting a job out of this] is not something I've been thinking about a lot."

Those who worked on the campaign should have priority among students, Frucher said.

Clinton's record shows that "he looks out for those who helped him," she said.

Frucher said that she would like to work with the National Service Trust Fund, but said she wouldn't be interested in a "boring, bureaucratic" position.

"The guarantee of a job isn't the guarantee ofan interesting job," she said.

Frucher said that students had been given "anincredible amount of responsibility" during thecampaign. She pointed to Ethan Zindler '91, whoworked in the campaign press office, and Robert M.Gordon '93, who wrote position papers and talkingpoints.

"Age doesn't matter [here], just ideas,"Frucher said, noting that Clinton campaignCommunications Director George Stephanopoulos is31. She said that the average age of the campaignstaffers was in the high 20s.

Though Frucher said that she may be interestedin a position this year, she said she was not surewhether ultimately she wants to go into politics.

She explained her ambivalence for politics,citing the lack of privacy, name-calling,back-biting and lies associated with politicians.On the other hand, she said, politicians can "makea real difference.
