
No Free Ride for Yalies On The Game Weekend

Yale students will no longer be admitted free of charge to Harvard dining halls during the weekend of The Game, according to Associate Dean of the College Thomas A. Dingman '67.

Yale guests instead will be asked to pay for meals at a reduced rate over the weekend of November 20-22.

In the past, the visiting school would pay the host school for its students weekend meals, said Director of Harvard Dining Service Michael P. Berry. Berry said Harvard has paid Yale as much as $12,000 for one weekend's food and party expenses.

Yale stopped participating in the program two years ago because its students are on vacation during the week following The Game and are not on the meal plan.

Dingman said Harvard's new policy makes its hosting procedure more in line with what has been available for Harvard students in New Haven. "There was no big controversy, it's just a change in the way of doing business," Berry said.
