
Seniors Bemoan Game Seats

Many in Class Say They Were Relegated to Nose-Bleeds

Some seniors who attended The Game against Yale Saturday have complained that they were relegated to the worst seats in Soldier Field when they should have had choice views of Harvard's victory.

Many of the seniors found themselves in the last 10 rows of seats, with views obscured by the posts that hold up the aging stadium.

Steven A. Hoeu '93 was assigned to Section 34, Row XX--the third-from-last row in the stadium.

He said that he did not understand why his seats were so bad, and that he thought his section, which was populated largely by Quincy House residents, had been assigned by house.

"That could be why we ended up so far back," Hoey said. "So many people came from our house that it seemed like they just filled up our whole section from the front."


Athletic Department officials said yesterday that the seats were allocated by class year, with seniors receiving preference. Department officials said yesterday they had received no complaints from students.

And according to Athletic Department Ticket Office Manager Edward J. Carey, seniors with seats far from the field were given tickets in sections of the stadium with the best view of the action.

"We make up the seating this year the same way we always do," Carey said. "Seniors did end up in the colonnade [the top 10 rows], but they were in sections reserved entirely for their class."

Poor Views

Carey also said that because all undergraduates were seated behind alumni, many students were left with poor views of the field. Some seniors contacted yesterday objected to that policy.

"I think that all the classes should get better seating than alumni," said Cabot House resident John F. Alderman '93. "I didn't sit with my class, and my seats were still better."

Many seniors opted to abandon their less-desirable assigned seats during the game, instead infiltrating reserved sections.

"I would up sitting pretty close to the field, but maybe we would have stayed where we were supposed to be, if we had been assigned decent seats," said Dunster House resident Robert C. Zwiebach '93.

Zwiebach added that he didn't even bother to check the precise location of his assigned seats, after having been discouraged by friends in similar situations.

"I can see how people would be upset by not getting the seats that they were expecting," said Eliot House resident Rachel L. Schultz '93. "If they take care of this for next year, I'm sure it would make a lot of people a lot happier."
